How to be an awesome partner.

Of course this list is far from being exhaustive. But exercising these 9 simple things can strengthen and flourish your relationship. Not only will you create a more loving and accepting environment but you’ll both notice a shift in your mood, behaviour, and reactions to each other. Always choose to see the best, believe the best, do the best, and be the best for each other.

©2017 Susie Lee


45 Life lessons to live by. 

Absolutely love these 45 gems of wisdom! Take these into the new week!


Emotions are good indicators.

I came across this today and I absolutely love it. Sometimes, it’s hard to decipher how we’re feeling, let alone why. Our emotions aren’t without reason, they’re trying to tell us something – that we need to either let go, make a change, heal, face our fears, or do something.

Let’s use bitterness as an example, how many times have we blamed other people for how they’ve hurt us? Instead of taking the time to look within, we’re quick to punish, take revenge, give the silent treatment, or make them feel guilty. This may cause temporary relief but it’ll never bring true healing. Our bitterness never justifies rude behaviour towards those who have hurt us. And the sooner we acknowledge that we’re responsible for our feelings (despite what has been done to us), the sooner we’ll find healing.

Our emotions are usually good indicators as to what’s going on inside of us – so listen to it and make the necessary changes within. And if reconciliation is needed, then have the courage to reach out to the other person. By no means do I want to simplify the hurt that has been done to us but this ’emotions definition chart’ is a good starting point to identify how/why we’re feeling so we can begin to make positive choices towards living our best.

©2016 Susie Lee

Your emotions are trying to tell you something


Keep going or move on?


It’s a fine line to know whether to keep going or whether to move on – it could be a relationship, goal, or work. I wish there was a formula I could give you but only you can figure that out for yourself. There isn’t a cookie cutter answer because what works for one person might not work for you – since everyone’s in different stages of life with different mindsets, different emotions, and different circumstances.

The thing I would suggest doing is to take the time to do some soul searching. Ask yourself some hard questions and be honest with yourself. This will help you to re-evaluate whether to continue or to move on.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself:

  1. Why did I start this? And does this answer still apply today?
  2. What do I really want? And what am I going to do about it?
  3. Am I just bored and want change?
  4. Am I putting unnecessary pressure on myself?
  5. What are my core beliefs and values? And does it line up with what I’m doing?

Or it may be as simple as that you’re just tired, and that you need to rest rather than to quit. Rest, rejuvenation, and restoration can do wonders to your psyche.

Wherever you are (or going) on your journey, I wish for you peace, joy, and fulfillment.

©2016 Susie Lee

The Four Agreements by don Miguel Rui.

The Four Agreements by don Miguel Rui are simple concepts yet profoundly effective. When applied to your life, it can be absolutely transformational. You will experience more peace, joy, love, strength, and energy. And you’ll soon realize that at any given moment you have the power to change the outcome of a situation, conversation, or feeling – simply by incorporating these four agreements into your mind, actions, or words. Once you make these agreements with yourself, they’ll become second nature to how you think, feel, and respond. For an in-depth look into The Four Agreements, you can pick up or download a copy of his book here.

©2016 Susie Lee


Choose to be happy. It’s a new day.


Our lives may not be perfect and we might even be bogged with worry or stress. But no matter what’s going on in our lives right now, we can still choose to be happy at this very moment. Each new day is filled with possibilities, hope, and redemption for things that were lost, stolen, or broken in our lives. We might not be able to change our situation right away but we have the ability to change our demeanour instantly. Instead of walking in the light of the past or living in the reality of what is, we need to train our minds to walk in peace and joy in the midst of life’s storm. We can’t control others or change our circumstances but we can control our attitude and our reactions to them. Do yourself a favour – choose to be happy today.

©2016 Susie Lee

You’re going to be okay.



Seasons of Change.

There are going to be days when you doubt your destiny, lose your way, or feel insecure with who you are. This is a part of your journey. You’ll never have it all together, you won’t always be happy, and you won’t be sure of who you are all the time. Instead of beating yourself up over it, just go with the winds of change within yourself. In life, there will be seasons of growth and change, and there will be seasons of restlessness and rest. We can’t always be productive, purposeful, and passionate. Some days, just getting dressed will be a huge accomplishment. If you’re in this cold dark season, be gentle with yourself, keep moving, and stop criticizing yourself. You’re not going to stay stuck in this place of complacency forever. I know it may feel like it now but you’re not – you’ll get your zest and motivation back. Until then, just live and be.

©2015 Susie Lee

Let love guide you in your pain and struggle.

More often than not, we’d rather run away from our pain, problem, or hurt than to face it head on. But I believe a lesson never goes away until we learn what they’re supposed to teach us. We can avoid difficult people or we can learn how to love them beyond our capacity. We can be frustrated at a problem or think of a creative solution to get through it. We can stay mad or we can learn to let go. We have choices everyday, and these choices will either make or break us. It’s not always easy to do the right thing or be the better person but for the sake of our spiritual growth and mental peace, we must let love guide us in our decision making process. And when we do, we’ll find that our pain won’t have a grip on us any longer because we’ve been set free.

©2015 Susie Lee


Beautiful & Truthful


beautiful and truthful