Remember the vision & keep moving.


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Keep going or move on?


It’s a fine line to know whether to keep going or whether to move on – it could be a relationship, goal, or work. I wish there was a formula I could give you but only you can figure that out for yourself. There isn’t a cookie cutter answer because what works for one person might not work for you – since everyone’s in different stages of life with different mindsets, different emotions, and different circumstances.

The thing I would suggest doing is to take the time to do some soul searching. Ask yourself some hard questions and be honest with yourself. This will help you to re-evaluate whether to continue or to move on.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself:

  1. Why did I start this? And does this answer still apply today?
  2. What do I really want? And what am I going to do about it?
  3. Am I just bored and want change?
  4. Am I putting unnecessary pressure on myself?
  5. What are my core beliefs and values? And does it line up with what I’m doing?

Or it may be as simple as that you’re just tired, and that you need to rest rather than to quit. Rest, rejuvenation, and restoration can do wonders to your psyche.

Wherever you are (or going) on your journey, I wish for you peace, joy, and fulfillment.

©2016 Susie Lee

How to stay motivated.

We all need motivation from time to time because sometimes we can lose sight of where we’re going and why we’re doing it. And we can especially get disheartened when we’re not making any progress or seeing the fruits of our labour. Here are some simple ways to stay motivated when we’d rather quit.

©2016 Susie Lee


15 ways to feel more powerful.



Everyone dies, but not everyone lives.

Everyone’s born with a unique gift – some call it a natural born ability, God given talent, or an acquired skill. Unfortunately, many of us don’t utilize our gift to the fullest capacity. Perhaps life, responsibilities, or fear have led us away.

May this video inspire us to live to our fullest potential, and use our gifts for the greater good. It won’t be easy but the pain of regret will be far greater than the pain of discipline. Exercise your gift now. Don’t let the dream die within you. 

©2016 Susie Lee

Expectations = Frustrations


Expectations. We all have them. We expect someone to do something. We expect something from someone. It’s okay to have them but it’s not okay to impose them on other people. This is unfair and sometimes, very cruel. Of course we’d never admit we impose expectations on others but a sure way to know if we do is when we experience frustration and disappointment when they don’t comply.

Expectations stem from our own needs. Period. It has nothing to do with anyone else fulfilling them or not fulfilling them. Our expectations come from our fears (or insecurities) within us. And overtime, we adopted an unhealthy pattern of looking to others to help us cope with our fears. This pattern of thinking is not only self-destructive but will also destroy relationships. Our expectations will suppress their freedom of speech and choice. They’ll comply to our demands out of fear, and not out of love.

If you’re in this place now, it’s time to do some soul searching. Ask yourself some hard questions: Why do I feel like I have to do this? Why do I feel like they have to do this with me? Why is this important to me? What would happen if I didn’t do it? What am I afraid of? It’s unrealistic to expect others to meet your needs. All you can do is share your need and release any obligation of meeting them. It’s okay to request but never demand. But you have to accept the fact that the answer may be a ‘No’.

May we look for answers within first before we expect it from others.

©2016 Susie Lee



6 months gone, 6 more to go.


As we’re half way through the year, I wonder how many of our New Year’s resolutions have fallen to the wayside? Now would be a good time to re-evaluate whether or not we want to pursue them instead of carrying them over, year after year. If we want to keep them then we need to stop making excuses and start working on them now. This will take time, discipline, and focus everyday. We’ll need to say ‘no’ to certain things that hinder our progress and cause distractions. We must contribute daily to our resolution until it comes to fruition.

Or perhaps our priorities changed over the last 6 months, which has affected our lack of contribution to our resolution. If that’s the case, I encourage us to adopt a new resolve – a daily resolve to love those around us by spending time with them or helping them. We’re all allotted the same amount of minutes in each day; the only difference is how we choose to use them. And what better way to spend our time then to make a difference in someone else’s life. Our resolutions don’t always have to be grandiose it could simply mean making another person’s day brighter.

Let’s make the most of the next 6 months!

©2016 Susie Lee

Finished by Dan DiFelice.

Dan DiFelice’s short video, Finished, is powerful, beautiful, and captivating. Wherever you are in life right now and whatever battle you’re fighting –  I hope you find hope, courage, and new-found strength to carry on. May these truthful words resonate deep within and propel you forward to finish, and to finish well.

©2016 Susie Lee

Success is the quiet courage to try again, another day.


In this game of life, I guarantee we’ll win some and we’ll painfully lose some. And when the latter happens, we’ll undoubtedly question our abilities and second-guess our destiny. The only thing that will count is going from one failure to another without losing our hope or enthusiasm. I know this won’t be easy to practice but in order to succeed in life we must keep going despite our temporary times of defeat and despair. Everyday, it’ll take a huge amount of courage to keep going in the midst of unsuccessful attempts and a surmountable tenacity to fight against all odds. But we must.

Success isn’t always measured in status, money, or things – sometimes it’s measured in the quiet courage to try again another day.

©2016 Susie Lee

How to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

One of the sure ways to grow is to get out of our comfort zones. I know it’s not always easy because we’ll experience discomfort, insecurity, or growing pains. But getting out of our comfort zone will challenge us, stretch us, and shape us. It’s purpose is to develop and strengthen us. Sometimes, being open minded and being willing to see things from a different perspective is half the battle. Here are some ways to get you out of your comfort zone.

©2016 Susie Lee
