Live without being offended.

How do we live in a way where we don’t easily get offended? Where our feelings aren’t at the mercy of people’s behavior, actions, or opinions of us? I know it’s hard not to feel insecure when someone accidently overlooks us or intentionally leaves us out. But if we want freedom in this area of our lives, we must begin to know our worth.

So, where do we start? First, we need to stop blaming people for how they’re making us feel. We always have a choice, and we’re responsible for our feelings. Second, we need to look at ourselves. Our reaction is a good indication of what’s already going on inside of us – perhaps we still have childhood wounds or dealing with low self-esteem. Lastly, we don’t want to base our self worth on people, possessions, or position because they’re circumstantial and therefore can be taken away from us at any moment. Our self worth needs to come from who we are as a person – inner strength, quality of character, quiet confidence, and a nurturing self-love. Once we begin to love and accept ourselves we’ll become immune to outside influences.

Once we discover our true worth, we can live without being offended.

©2015 Susie Lee

Seasons of Change.

There are going to be days when you doubt your destiny, lose your way, or feel insecure with who you are. This is a part of your journey. You’ll never have it all together, you won’t always be happy, and you won’t be sure of who you are all the time. Instead of beating yourself up over it, just go with the winds of change within yourself. In life, there will be seasons of growth and change, and there will be seasons of restlessness and rest. We can’t always be productive, purposeful, and passionate. Some days, just getting dressed will be a huge accomplishment. If you’re in this cold dark season, be gentle with yourself, keep moving, and stop criticizing yourself. You’re not going to stay stuck in this place of complacency forever. I know it may feel like it now but you’re not – you’ll get your zest and motivation back. Until then, just live and be.

©2015 Susie Lee

Words to Live By.


words to live by

Beautiful & Truthful


beautiful and truthful

14 Things Successful People Do On Weekends.

It’s Friday, and you know what that means right? It’s the weekeeeeend!! Unfortunately, many of us use our weekends to either play catch up or veg out. Instead of taking a mental vacation, why not try these simple steps to reenergize your body, mind, and spirit? Here’s to a fantastic weekend that’ll rev you up for Monday!

©2015 Susie Lee


How to stay creative

In my last post, I mentioned that even the happiest of people will have their off-days as they feel unmotivated, uninspired, or are emotionally unavailable. Another area you can shut down in is creativity – the inability to create new ideas, ways to have fun, or problem solve.

Whether you’re a stay home parent or working professional, it’s important to stimulate your mind on a daily basis so you can grow and stay engaged. Sometimes, this may mean stepping away from electronic gadgets, changing up the daily routine, or something simple as trying a new flavour of ice cream. As your creative juices begin to flow back, your mind will be open to new ideas and find creative solutions to problems. You’ll also notice an extra pep in your step and a lighthearted joy in your days. Remember to have fun while being creative. Here are 12 simple ways on how to stay creative:

©2015 Susie Lee


Be a team player in the game of life.

Being a sports fan in the audience is easy – there’s no risk, pain, or skill required. It’s easy for us to critique and criticize the players from the comforts of our living room or from the stadium seats. We have very little riding except for the victory we expect from the team we’re rooting for. We share in their victory or defeat but there are no rewards, contributions, or sacrifice on our part.

The same applies to the game of life. Our lives weren’t meant to be lived from the sidelines, watching and criticizing others – we need to get out on the field and contribute to the team. We may not think we have much to contribute and we may even feel insecure or insignificant. But I can assure you that each one of us are here to make a difference – to love, create, help, heal, and give beyond ourselves.

We have to get out there and give it our best shot in the game of life! We have to stop worrying about what might go wrong and start thinking about what might go right. Play hard but play fair. The team needs us. Let’s take chances, follow our convictions, and most of all, have fun!

©2015 Susie Lee

Understand & combat procrastination …or you can read it later.

All right, it’s no secret that I’m a big procrastinator. Sure I have my sporadic moments of being highly productive but generally, I tend to put things off until last minute – from work projects to getting back to people. Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed thinking about all the stuff I have to do that I just end up taking a nap.

Why do I procrastinate? Maybe it’s because I think I have all the time in the world, there’s other stuff I’d rather be doing, I get easily distracted, (I like to think) I work well under pressure, it’s too challenging, it’s not challenging enough, or I have too much on my plate. From time to time, I ponder about why I procrastinate, which makes me procrastinate even more from the tasks I should be getting done during that time.

Whatever the reason is, procrastinating makes me mentally tired and physically drained because I have the task hanging over my head and in the back of my mind until I get it done. But when it’s finally completed, I feel so much better as if a huge weight has been lifted off of me. And I think, ‘that wasn’t so bad, why didn’t I get it done earlier?’

If you’re like me, this info graph will help you to understand and combat procrastination.  …or you can read it later.

©2015 Susie Lee


My Musings for Today

Don’t do it, don’t do it – don’t second-guess or doubt yourself. Better to take risks than to do nothing at all. Move forward with confidence but take things in strides. Know your worth then surround yourself with people who know it too. Take risks. Have the courage to express the voice within. Work with people who you like and respect. Don’t say yes when you really want to say no. Stop being a people pleaser. Never compromise your values, beliefs, and convictions. Put love before work. Always work on your craft. Find a hobby in the midst of pursuing your dreams. Forgive yourself and others. Lessons learned, no regrets. Foster gratitude everyday. Instead of making assumptions, ask for clarification. Make time for people, especially those who could use a helping hand. Fill your heart with so much love that there’s no room for hatred. If you’re unhappy with some part of your life, change it. Don’t complain. Never ever put yourself down in thought, word, or deed. Replace pride with humility. Be generous with your time, money, and resources because you can’t take it with you once you’re dead. Invest in people through kindness, gentleness, and patience. Always be hopeful, joyful, and thankful.

©2015 Susie Lee

Reasons Why People Give Up

This is a great info graph on why people give up – whether it’s fulfilling their dreams, maintaining a healthy body, or taking risks. I’m pretty sure we can identify with a few of these reasons at some point in our lives. Of course, it’s much easier to identify these issues rather than to deal with them directly. But in order to move forward in life we must remove these mental stumbling blocks we’ve created for ourselves. Remember, victory and defeat will always start in our minds. So it’s important to think the best of ourselves, maintain a positive outlook in life, and have a heart of gratitude as we look to the future. This’ll make all the difference as we pursue our dreams and create the life we want to live.

©2015 Susie Leewhy people give up