The future is the home of our deepest fears and wildest hopes.



Keep going or move on?


It’s a fine line to know whether to keep going or whether to move on – it could be a relationship, goal, or work. I wish there was a formula I could give you but only you can figure that out for yourself. There isn’t a cookie cutter answer because what works for one person might not work for you – since everyone’s in different stages of life with different mindsets, different emotions, and different circumstances.

The thing I would suggest doing is to take the time to do some soul searching. Ask yourself some hard questions and be honest with yourself. This will help you to re-evaluate whether to continue or to move on.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself:

  1. Why did I start this? And does this answer still apply today?
  2. What do I really want? And what am I going to do about it?
  3. Am I just bored and want change?
  4. Am I putting unnecessary pressure on myself?
  5. What are my core beliefs and values? And does it line up with what I’m doing?

Or it may be as simple as that you’re just tired, and that you need to rest rather than to quit. Rest, rejuvenation, and restoration can do wonders to your psyche.

Wherever you are (or going) on your journey, I wish for you peace, joy, and fulfillment.

©2016 Susie Lee

You’re going to be okay.



10 signs that you’re truly happy.

It doesn’t take much for us to be happy in life. And often, it won’t even cost us any money. Here are 10 signs that you’re a truly happy person and if you’re not, here are 10 simple things to start adding to your day:

©2015 Susie Lee

happyhappy 2

STOP focusing on the destination and START enjoying the journey.

I’ve come to realize that most of us have the tendency to live in the future – we think about what we need to do sooner, later, or eventually. It starts from the time we’re young – we want to grow up, finish school, be independent, make money, get married, buy a house, have kids, and freedom 55. And as adults we subconsciously wish, probably on a daily basis, that we were healthier, wealthier, and happier. By mentally living in the future, we fail to be in the present and unfortunately, miss those defining moments of happiness around us. The other day, as I paused to give thanks for my breakfast, I realized how lucky I was to have a choice every morning of what to eat for breakfast. And in that moment, I was happy and grateful. Being in the moment + Being appreciative = Being happy.

©2014 Susie Lee

Enjoy the journey.

Live for the little things

Be raw. Be Unguarded. Be crazy.


Be raw. Be Unguarded. Be Crazy.

10 things you must give up to move forward.


10 things you must give up to move forward

After a while


After a While

Letting go is hard but…

Letting go is hard

Sometimes in order to move on, we need to let go of people (or things) in our lives. Occasionally, we have to let go for the sake of the other person so they can carry on with theirs. I’ve found letting go is hard but holding on is even harder. This painful process will tear your heart out and you’ll experience you’re not the same again. Life has a funny way of shaping us through our experiences, people and circumstances. Allow it to change you and reveal the next path before you.

Overtime, the act of letting go will restore your soul, re-balance your life and release your spirit. And the heart-strings that once used to tug so tight are now set free. So throw yourself into the wind and let go. Fall into the arms of emptiness and see what catches you. Close your eyes, walk away and take only the beautiful memories with you. Yes, your heart will ache, long and be desolate but ride out the wave of emotions and see where it carries you.

Trust that life will work out. Have faith that the days ahead of you will look brighter. And have the courage to face a new day. Open your palms and let go… and then wait to see what lands in your hands.

©2013 Susie Lee
