Process of Pivoting.



13 foolproof ways to improve your life.

It’s the new year! And with it, brings resolutions – usually revolving around health, happiness, work, or all of the above. Sometimes, our goals are so lofty they’re unattainable and they can become more of a burden than give us freedom. Here are 13 simple foolproof ways to improve your life every single day. Happy New Year!

©Susie Lee 2017

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Get out, have fun, stay fit!

Alright everyone, summer is officially upon us – warmer weather and longer days. So no excuses for not getting out there and having fun. Don’t have time? Make time. Don’t want to go alone? Grab a buddy. Don’t feel like it? Just do it. Or if you’re stumped on what to do, here’s a summer fitness (fun) bucket list for you. You don’t have to be hardcore, you don’t have to be fit, and you don’t need all day. At least go for a after dinner walk or hit the birdie around in the backyard. The important thing is to stay active and have fun doing it! Remember, no excuses! Get out, have fun, stay fit!

©2016 Susie Lee


How to stay motivated.

We all need motivation from time to time because sometimes we can lose sight of where we’re going and why we’re doing it. And we can especially get disheartened when we’re not making any progress or seeing the fruits of our labour. Here are some simple ways to stay motivated when we’d rather quit.

©2016 Susie Lee


The Four Agreements by don Miguel Rui.

The Four Agreements by don Miguel Rui are simple concepts yet profoundly effective. When applied to your life, it can be absolutely transformational. You will experience more peace, joy, love, strength, and energy. And you’ll soon realize that at any given moment you have the power to change the outcome of a situation, conversation, or feeling – simply by incorporating these four agreements into your mind, actions, or words. Once you make these agreements with yourself, they’ll become second nature to how you think, feel, and respond. For an in-depth look into The Four Agreements, you can pick up or download a copy of his book here.

©2016 Susie Lee


How to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

One of the sure ways to grow is to get out of our comfort zones. I know it’s not always easy because we’ll experience discomfort, insecurity, or growing pains. But getting out of our comfort zone will challenge us, stretch us, and shape us. It’s purpose is to develop and strengthen us. Sometimes, being open minded and being willing to see things from a different perspective is half the battle. Here are some ways to get you out of your comfort zone.

©2016 Susie Lee


31 No-brainer ways to challenge yourself everyday.

Some people say ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’. I’m not sure how true that statement is but I do know it’s good to challenge ourselves daily – to stimulate our mind, stretch our body, and search our soul. Try these 31 simple no brainers (there’s one for each day of the month). Have fun, engage, discover, and grow!

©2016 Susie Lee



Seasons of Change.

There are going to be days when you doubt your destiny, lose your way, or feel insecure with who you are. This is a part of your journey. You’ll never have it all together, you won’t always be happy, and you won’t be sure of who you are all the time. Instead of beating yourself up over it, just go with the winds of change within yourself. In life, there will be seasons of growth and change, and there will be seasons of restlessness and rest. We can’t always be productive, purposeful, and passionate. Some days, just getting dressed will be a huge accomplishment. If you’re in this cold dark season, be gentle with yourself, keep moving, and stop criticizing yourself. You’re not going to stay stuck in this place of complacency forever. I know it may feel like it now but you’re not – you’ll get your zest and motivation back. Until then, just live and be.

©2015 Susie Lee

14 Things Successful People Do On Weekends.

It’s Friday, and you know what that means right? It’s the weekeeeeend!! Unfortunately, many of us use our weekends to either play catch up or veg out. Instead of taking a mental vacation, why not try these simple steps to reenergize your body, mind, and spirit? Here’s to a fantastic weekend that’ll rev you up for Monday!

©2015 Susie Lee


How to stay creative

In my last post, I mentioned that even the happiest of people will have their off-days as they feel unmotivated, uninspired, or are emotionally unavailable. Another area you can shut down in is creativity – the inability to create new ideas, ways to have fun, or problem solve.

Whether you’re a stay home parent or working professional, it’s important to stimulate your mind on a daily basis so you can grow and stay engaged. Sometimes, this may mean stepping away from electronic gadgets, changing up the daily routine, or something simple as trying a new flavour of ice cream. As your creative juices begin to flow back, your mind will be open to new ideas and find creative solutions to problems. You’ll also notice an extra pep in your step and a lighthearted joy in your days. Remember to have fun while being creative. Here are 12 simple ways on how to stay creative:

©2015 Susie Lee
