Life Beyond Ourselves.

I always love and appreciate exceptionally well-produced content. And “Downward Dog” web series is right up there! It has elements of everything; humour, reality, and a heartfelt message at the end. May this video encourage us to put life in perspective beyond ourselves.
© Susie Lee

Pain will change us.

This quote is profoundly truthful. Pain will change us more than success or good fortune will ever. And if you’re in the midst of trekking life’s uphill battle – then I wish for you courage and determination to face each day. And when you come out of it, you’ll be wiser and stronger.

©2015 Susie LeePain changes us

13 reasons you’re not as successful as you should be.

Many of us rarely reach our full potential in life. Whether it’s fear of failure or even, fear of success. Often we blame our situation, lot in life, or other people in holding us back but in reality, we’re the ones holding ourselves back. I love this infographic because it doesn’t sugar coat what we want to hear but rather gives us a swift kick in the butt in what we need to do. Here’s to reaching our full potential!

©2015 Susie Lee


10 signs that you’re truly happy.

It doesn’t take much for us to be happy in life. And often, it won’t even cost us any money. Here are 10 signs that you’re a truly happy person and if you’re not, here are 10 simple things to start adding to your day:

©2015 Susie Lee

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Let love guide you in your pain and struggle.

More often than not, we’d rather run away from our pain, problem, or hurt than to face it head on. But I believe a lesson never goes away until we learn what they’re supposed to teach us. We can avoid difficult people or we can learn how to love them beyond our capacity. We can be frustrated at a problem or think of a creative solution to get through it. We can stay mad or we can learn to let go. We have choices everyday, and these choices will either make or break us. It’s not always easy to do the right thing or be the better person but for the sake of our spiritual growth and mental peace, we must let love guide us in our decision making process. And when we do, we’ll find that our pain won’t have a grip on us any longer because we’ve been set free.

©2015 Susie Lee


Ruthlessly downsizing.

The other day, I was helping a friend move their parent’s stuff out of their 40+ years house. Twelve hours later, it seemed as though we hadn’t even dented their place. The next day, this forced me to reevaluate my own stuff throughout the rooms, closets, and crawl space. What am I holding on to that I don’t use anymore? And why am I still holding on to it? So I began to ruthlessly get rid of clothes, books, and knick-knacks that I don’t use, look at, or need.

Why do we hold on to unneeded stuff? I’m not just talking about physical stuff but emotional and psychological baggage in our lives such as anger, resentment, fear, regret, worry, pride, or jealousy. The consequences of holding on to these will eventually clutter our minds and occupy space in our emotional living room. It’s not easy getting rid of these destructive feelings because we’ve either grown accustomed to it, attached to it, or it’s too much work to get rid of. And we may even justify keeping our feelings. But at some point, we must honestly ask ourselves, ‘Why am I still holding on to this? Is it helpful, useful, or productive?’ If the answer’s no, get rid of it – it’s just weighing you down. For the sake of our wellbeing, peace of mind, and the health of our relationships, we must ruthlessly de-clutter our emotional baggage on a regular basis.

©2015 Susie Lee

14 Things Successful People Do On Weekends.

It’s Friday, and you know what that means right? It’s the weekeeeeend!! Unfortunately, many of us use our weekends to either play catch up or veg out. Instead of taking a mental vacation, why not try these simple steps to reenergize your body, mind, and spirit? Here’s to a fantastic weekend that’ll rev you up for Monday!

©2015 Susie Lee


How to stay creative

In my last post, I mentioned that even the happiest of people will have their off-days as they feel unmotivated, uninspired, or are emotionally unavailable. Another area you can shut down in is creativity – the inability to create new ideas, ways to have fun, or problem solve.

Whether you’re a stay home parent or working professional, it’s important to stimulate your mind on a daily basis so you can grow and stay engaged. Sometimes, this may mean stepping away from electronic gadgets, changing up the daily routine, or something simple as trying a new flavour of ice cream. As your creative juices begin to flow back, your mind will be open to new ideas and find creative solutions to problems. You’ll also notice an extra pep in your step and a lighthearted joy in your days. Remember to have fun while being creative. Here are 12 simple ways on how to stay creative:

©2015 Susie Lee


Periods of growth are painful, yet necessary.

Some periods of growth can be very painful, yet necessary – just like the growing pains we experienced in our bodies as kids. But the growing pains we now go through as adults aren’t physical but rather emotional, mental, or spiritual. Our transformations usually come through painful life changing experiences that shape our circumstance, mould our behaviour, or shift our paradigm. And in turn, they’re suppose to shed light into who we are and transform us into the person we need to become for our journey. May we grow stronger, wiser, and more compassionate through our growth spurts.

©2015 Susie LeeIMG_3845

Offended? Ask for clarification!

IMG_2342Sometimes, it’s easy to misunderstand what people are saying and we can easily get offended by their words – especially from those who are closest to us. But before we judge, condemn, or scold them; it’s wise to ask them for clarification on what they meant rather than assuming the worst. This act alone will clear up any misunderstandings, open doors to effective communication, and save us a lot of heartache. So before we get offended by someone’s words, let’s ask them what they meant in a non-threatening way.

©2015 Susie Lee