A brush with death fosters thankfulness.

This weekend I had a bit of a scare as my dad collapsed in front of me. Since then I’ve been replaying the scenario of what I could’ve and should’ve have done, kicking myself for not having enough sense to pick up on the warning signs, and haunted by ‘if only I had done this and that’ then he wouldn’t have fallen. Unfortunately, this way of thinking can torment us with regret, guilt, and grief. And in the days to come, we may be tempted to overcompensate, control, and protect our loved ones based on fear. The fact is I did what I could under the circumstances I was in without knowing my dad would’ve collapsed. Although he had a brush with death, he seems to be doing okay today. It was a sobering reminder that we can’t completely protect our loved ones from harm – all we can really do is be thankful that we have another day with them.

©2015 Susie Lee

If you want to do something, you have to do something.

one stepIf you want to lose weight, it starts with the first step. If you want to write a book, it starts with the first page. If you want to do something, you have to do something. There’s no amount of meditation, inspiration, and thinking that’ll help you accomplish your goal if you don’t take action. Stop humming and hawing on how you’re going to do and just start from where you are. Sometimes, overthinking can paralyze you and stump you from moving forward. Go on your first run, and see the domino effect on your mind and body, write that first page and see how the story unfolds. You’re not going to have it all figured out before you start, so you might as well just go for it! Trust the process and enjoy the journey.

©2015 Susie Lee

10 Tips for a Happy Relationship

Here are 10 simple tips that can transform any relationship, not just marriages. If you’re happy at home, chances are you’ll be happier in life and more successful at work. But unfortunately, the pressures, demands, and expectations of everyday can rob you of the joy, love, and peace that you desire in your relationship. So continue to do the little things as they’ll make a big difference down the road, make a conscious choice each day to love them despite your lack of feelings, and never grow tired of showing them how much you care. May these tips bring you closer and stronger together for a brighter and happier future.

©2015 Susie Lee