Maximizing your mornings can super-charge your productivity.


Take Back Your Mornings

Love & Loss

In your heartache, don’t be reactionary. Sit with your pain as hard as it may be. You’ll be tempted to get angry with the person who’s caused it. But I say sit with it. Allow yourself to feel the ache and mourn the loss. Your anger will dissipate into sadness and sadness will slip into despair. But again, I say sit with your feelings. These moments will reveal what’s within you and give you the courage to make necessary changes. The pain comes from holding on to what needs to be released. This’ll take time, sometimes years. But this process will strengthen and mature you over time. 

Use this time to comfort yourself – listen to your favourite songs, go to your local cafe, read a good book, call a friend, watch a movie, eat at your favourite restaurant, or simply look up at the stars. Overtime, you’ll remember how much good and beauty there is in the world. And that’ll lighten your heart and lift your spirits. Love yourself immensely and tread gently in the days to come. And my hope is that you’ll be stronger, brighter, and more beautiful after your dark storm passes. 

©2015 Susie Lee

Fight for love.