11 tips for better living.



Get out, have fun, stay fit!

Alright everyone, summer is officially upon us – warmer weather and longer days. So no excuses for not getting out there and having fun. Don’t have time? Make time. Don’t want to go alone? Grab a buddy. Don’t feel like it? Just do it. Or if you’re stumped on what to do, here’s a summer fitness (fun) bucket list for you. You don’t have to be hardcore, you don’t have to be fit, and you don’t need all day. At least go for a after dinner walk or hit the birdie around in the backyard. The important thing is to stay active and have fun doing it! Remember, no excuses! Get out, have fun, stay fit!

©2016 Susie Lee


31 No-brainer ways to challenge yourself everyday.

Some people say ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’. I’m not sure how true that statement is but I do know it’s good to challenge ourselves daily – to stimulate our mind, stretch our body, and search our soul. Try these 31 simple no brainers (there’s one for each day of the month). Have fun, engage, discover, and grow!

©2016 Susie Lee



The Art of Living Intentionally.

With the holiday season upon us, it’s easy for us to say yes to every party invite and become a Martha Stewart and Santa to everyone we know. The holidays can be challenging as we feel the heaviness of unspoken expectations and unrealistic demands that are placed on us. When we do things out of obligation we’ll feel resentful, tired, and angry – we’ll feel as though our time is not our own and we’re losing control of it. One of the ways we can bring joy and peace back into the holidays is by being intentional with our time – this may mean making decisions based on love rather than out of duty, learning to say no without feeling guilty, and learning to do less. May we master the art of living intentionally everyday.

©2015 Susie Leeintentional

Live without being offended.

How do we live in a way where we don’t easily get offended? Where our feelings aren’t at the mercy of people’s behavior, actions, or opinions of us? I know it’s hard not to feel insecure when someone accidently overlooks us or intentionally leaves us out. But if we want freedom in this area of our lives, we must begin to know our worth.

So, where do we start? First, we need to stop blaming people for how they’re making us feel. We always have a choice, and we’re responsible for our feelings. Second, we need to look at ourselves. Our reaction is a good indication of what’s already going on inside of us – perhaps we still have childhood wounds or dealing with low self-esteem. Lastly, we don’t want to base our self worth on people, possessions, or position because they’re circumstantial and therefore can be taken away from us at any moment. Our self worth needs to come from who we are as a person – inner strength, quality of character, quiet confidence, and a nurturing self-love. Once we begin to love and accept ourselves we’ll become immune to outside influences.

Once we discover our true worth, we can live without being offended.

©2015 Susie Lee

10 signs that you’re truly happy.

It doesn’t take much for us to be happy in life. And often, it won’t even cost us any money. Here are 10 signs that you’re a truly happy person and if you’re not, here are 10 simple things to start adding to your day:

©2015 Susie Lee

happyhappy 2

Words to Live By.


words to live by

Ruthlessly downsizing.

The other day, I was helping a friend move their parent’s stuff out of their 40+ years house. Twelve hours later, it seemed as though we hadn’t even dented their place. The next day, this forced me to reevaluate my own stuff throughout the rooms, closets, and crawl space. What am I holding on to that I don’t use anymore? And why am I still holding on to it? So I began to ruthlessly get rid of clothes, books, and knick-knacks that I don’t use, look at, or need.

Why do we hold on to unneeded stuff? I’m not just talking about physical stuff but emotional and psychological baggage in our lives such as anger, resentment, fear, regret, worry, pride, or jealousy. The consequences of holding on to these will eventually clutter our minds and occupy space in our emotional living room. It’s not easy getting rid of these destructive feelings because we’ve either grown accustomed to it, attached to it, or it’s too much work to get rid of. And we may even justify keeping our feelings. But at some point, we must honestly ask ourselves, ‘Why am I still holding on to this? Is it helpful, useful, or productive?’ If the answer’s no, get rid of it – it’s just weighing you down. For the sake of our wellbeing, peace of mind, and the health of our relationships, we must ruthlessly de-clutter our emotional baggage on a regular basis.

©2015 Susie Lee

14 Things Successful People Do On Weekends.

It’s Friday, and you know what that means right? It’s the weekeeeeend!! Unfortunately, many of us use our weekends to either play catch up or veg out. Instead of taking a mental vacation, why not try these simple steps to reenergize your body, mind, and spirit? Here’s to a fantastic weekend that’ll rev you up for Monday!

©2015 Susie Lee


Inspirational to unmotivated

When I was growing up, I didn’t think I had many talents but the one thing I knew I had was the gift of encouragement. I loved cheering people up when they were sad or finding a solution when they had a problem. And since I’m generally easy going and happy-go-lucky, I always had a hopeful and optimistic outlook in life, even in hard times.

The fact is, even the happiest of people will have their off-days as they feel unmotivated, uninspired, or are emotionally unavailable. It’ll seem as though they’ve reached their maximum capacity to give – they can only say so many things, in so many ways, so many times.

If this is you right now, keep on moving – no matter how slow it may be. You may feel like ‘what’s the point?’ because you’ve lost your enthusiasm and zest. But these dry spells are necessary for growth as it prunes the unfruitful branches and turns off the autopilot mode. As with all things, this season will pass. And once it’s completed its work in you, you’ll re-gain your balance and start to bear fruit once again. Until then, keep moving.

©2015 Susie Lee