13 foolproof ways to improve your life.

It’s the new year! And with it, brings resolutions – usually revolving around health, happiness, work, or all of the above. Sometimes, our goals are so lofty they’re unattainable and they can become more of a burden than give us freedom. Here are 13 simple foolproof ways to improve your life every single day. Happy New Year!

©Susie Lee 2017

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6 months gone, 6 more to go.


As we’re half way through the year, I wonder how many of our New Year’s resolutions have fallen to the wayside? Now would be a good time to re-evaluate whether or not we want to pursue them instead of carrying them over, year after year. If we want to keep them then we need to stop making excuses and start working on them now. This will take time, discipline, and focus everyday. We’ll need to say ‘no’ to certain things that hinder our progress and cause distractions. We must contribute daily to our resolution until it comes to fruition.

Or perhaps our priorities changed over the last 6 months, which has affected our lack of contribution to our resolution. If that’s the case, I encourage us to adopt a new resolve – a daily resolve to love those around us by spending time with them or helping them. We’re all allotted the same amount of minutes in each day; the only difference is how we choose to use them. And what better way to spend our time then to make a difference in someone else’s life. Our resolutions don’t always have to be grandiose it could simply mean making another person’s day brighter.

Let’s make the most of the next 6 months!

©2016 Susie Lee

New year, new perspective.


Resolutions & Regrets

IMG_9518This year is almost over. And feelings of regret pierce your heart because you didn’t fulfill your New Year’s resolutions – dreams you wanted to pursue and goals you wanted to accomplish. I’m here to tell you, it’s never too late! You’re not stuck and you haven’t lost time. Make the most of the days you still have left in this year instead of letting ‘what hasn’t been done’ bog you down. It’s better to do something now than to do nothing at all. Action begets action – it’ll propel you forward and set things in motion. No need to wait until January, get ahead start on your resolutions before another year begins. Start now. Feel great.

©2015 Susie Lee

Every little bit helps.

healthyMaking changes doesn’t always have to be drastic nor will the results always be dramatic. Sometimes it’s the little things we do everyday that make the biggest difference in the end. For example, many people start off the New Year with good intentions of getting back into shape – so they’ll sign up for a gym membership or they’ll try a new diet. But as the weeks and months go by, those intentions may fall to the wayside of busyness, neglect, or discouragement.

I believe making small efforts everyday like choosing to take the stairs instead of the elevator, going for a simple walk during your break rather than to the gym after work, or having the willpower to say ‘no’ to the cookie will impact your health in the long run. Making changes doesn’t have to be painful it’s simply about making small positive choices everyday. So remember, every little bit will help whether it’s exercising, eating healthy, or being kind to someone.

©2015 Susie Lee

You’ll find your way again.


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The New Year always brings a sense of hope and promise for the upcoming year – it helps to re-set our mental attitude, fills our hearts with expectations, and gives us a greater hope for the future. But it can also be a stressful time filled with the expectation to change that may be followed by disappointments when they’re not fulfilled. Be encouraged to know we’re given a new chance everyday – a new slate for our health, attitude, relationships, and goals. We must foster a New Year’s attitude everyday not just at the beginning of the calendar year. Everyday is an opportunity to start over, begin anew, and make necessary changes. We’re given 365 chances to make a change in our lives, not just for the first few days of the year. Instead of a New Year let’s make it a New Day, everyday.

I wish you and your loved ones all the best of 2015!

©2015 Susie Lee