Everyone dies, but not everyone lives.

Everyone’s born with a unique gift – some call it a natural born ability, God given talent, or an acquired skill. Unfortunately, many of us don’t utilize our gift to the fullest capacity. Perhaps life, responsibilities, or fear have led us away.

May this video inspire us to live to our fullest potential, and use our gifts for the greater good. It won’t be easy but the pain of regret will be far greater than the pain of discipline. Exercise your gift now. Don’t let the dream die within you. 

©2016 Susie Lee

Resolutions & Regrets

IMG_9518This year is almost over. And feelings of regret pierce your heart because you didn’t fulfill your New Year’s resolutions – dreams you wanted to pursue and goals you wanted to accomplish. I’m here to tell you, it’s never too late! You’re not stuck and you haven’t lost time. Make the most of the days you still have left in this year instead of letting ‘what hasn’t been done’ bog you down. It’s better to do something now than to do nothing at all. Action begets action – it’ll propel you forward and set things in motion. No need to wait until January, get ahead start on your resolutions before another year begins. Start now. Feel great.

©2015 Susie Lee

Encouragement for Today

I’m not sure where you’re at in life right now – you might be on cloud nine or you might be at your wits end. If it’s the latter, I want to encourage you today with this quote I found – it spoke volumes to me, and I hope it speaks to you and encourages you to press on. May you find strength and hope in your journey today, and in the days to come.

©2015 Susie LeeEncouragement for Today

A brush with death fosters thankfulness.

This weekend I had a bit of a scare as my dad collapsed in front of me. Since then I’ve been replaying the scenario of what I could’ve and should’ve have done, kicking myself for not having enough sense to pick up on the warning signs, and haunted by ‘if only I had done this and that’ then he wouldn’t have fallen. Unfortunately, this way of thinking can torment us with regret, guilt, and grief. And in the days to come, we may be tempted to overcompensate, control, and protect our loved ones based on fear. The fact is I did what I could under the circumstances I was in without knowing my dad would’ve collapsed. Although he had a brush with death, he seems to be doing okay today. It was a sobering reminder that we can’t completely protect our loved ones from harm – all we can really do is be thankful that we have another day with them.

©2015 Susie Lee

One of the hardest lessons in life…

