Some wounds never heal.



Anything worthwhile takes dedication, discipline, & determination.


Two months ago, I posted an article on how to unveil your 6-pack. Well, since then I’ve increased my physical activity and decreased my candy/chips consumption. And I’ve exhibited impressive self-control whenever I’ve watched friends indulge in mouth-watering treats. But during the two months, I felt as though my bouts of sugar cravings and hunger pains were all in vain as I looked the same, felt the same, and (sigh) weighed the same.

This article isn’t about losing weight but rather not to be discouraged or give up in life. Results take time. The seemingly small choices we make each day will contribute to the greater overall picture. We may not see immediate results now but we will as time goes on: our bodies will feel lighter after months of healthy eating, we’ll run longer distances without huffing and puffing, emotional wounds will slowly heal with each passing day, and relationships will grow stronger through daily sacrifice and love. Anything worthwhile will take dedication, discipline, and determination.

It seems as though time is the answer to everything – to mend, to heal, to grow, and to flourish. And it’s a lesson in developing perseverance, character, strength, and faith within us. So be patient and don’t give up on what you want in life, work, health, and relationships – for only time will tell…

©2015 Susie Lee

PS I hope you’re all having a great summer so far – whatever you’re doing, wherever you are, and however you’re feeling.