Poster of the Week | What Are You Waiting For?


Soul Searching | Letting Go

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and this is what my soul found:

1.  Practicing the art of being rather than doing (it’s harder than I thought).

2.  Letting go of controlling people by asking them what they want and respecting their answer.

3.  Letting go of being a super hero (example: people pleaser, solver and rescuer) by simply listening.

4.  Not being upset by criticism or feeling elated by compliments.

5.  True forgiveness means wanting the best for that person.

6.  My identity is not what I do, what I have or what others say I am.

7.  Letting go of expectations I put on myself, automatically releases expectations I unconsciously place on others.

8.  Learning to say ‘no’ without feeling guilty.

9.  Learning to graciously accept help from others.

10.  True freedom means letting go of perfection.

My soul searching will be an on-going quest as I’m forever changing, learning and growing. May your journey take you into deeper and unchartered places that will bring freedom, renewal and exciting discovery of yourself.

© Susie Lee 2012