The Art of Living Intentionally.

With the holiday season upon us, it’s easy for us to say yes to every party invite and become a Martha Stewart and Santa to everyone we know. The holidays can be challenging as we feel the heaviness of unspoken expectations and unrealistic demands that are placed on us. When we do things out of obligation we’ll feel resentful, tired, and angry – we’ll feel as though our time is not our own and we’re losing control of it. One of the ways we can bring joy and peace back into the holidays is by being intentional with our time – this may mean making decisions based on love rather than out of duty, learning to say no without feeling guilty, and learning to do less. May we master the art of living intentionally everyday.

©2015 Susie Leeintentional

Black Friday Survival Guide

Here’s a survival guide to being sane and safe during the Black Friday Frenzy! Let the shopping begin! And may the door busters be ever in your favour!

©2015 Susie Lee

black friday funny